The ultimate test. Sleeping on Dore & Rose for 3 weeks

Geplaatst door Tobias Bijma op

Let’s start with a question, who do you really trust?

Is it yourself, your best friend, a partner, or a family member? Think about that. 

We believe in the power of trust. Because without trust, there is nothing to build. That’s why we are here to tell you nothing more than the truth. 

We would like to introduce you to Louisa, a loving customer of Dore & Rose who wanted to share her journey with us and for us to share with all of you. Louisa has experienced severe acne her whole life and has been sleeping on our silver embodied silk pillowcases for 3 weeks now. Here’s what she has to say: 

Say “hey love” to Louisa!

“So here’s my story, always a bit scary sharing this and the pictures as it is something I never felt super comfortable with.. but the past 3 weeks have been something I had to share. 

After reading about the Dore & Rose Silver Emobodied Silk pillowcase, which kills 99.7% of bacteria, I instantly knew this is what I needed. I had to get used to the silk the first night, which isn’t weird after sleeping on cotton for 24 years, but after that, I enjoyed every minute of sleep on it. So soft, so subtle and already after a few nights I started seeing a difference. 

The redness in my face started to go down due to the fine woven silk and there not being any friction to my skin. I also realised that my products sunk more into my skin instead of my cotton pillowcase which would absorb the products I put on before bed. I woke up with more of a glow because of that and my skin felt more hydrated. There was no odour on the pillowcase either, even after 3 weeks! Even my hair felt softer too btw!

After the first week, my acne started to clear up, this must be an effect of the silver ions which kill 99.7% of the bacteria. I have added some pictures for you to see the difference. For me, I will never switch to anything else than the Dore & Rose pillowcase and hope everyone has the same experience I had!”

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