"Why this natural product is disrupting the botox industry"

The silk pillowcase from Dore & Rose
In just a year, the Dore & Rose Silk Pillowcase has soared to global fame, often selling out due to high demand. With a dedicated following and over 100,000+ 5-star reviews.
Achieving youthful skin and lustrous hair is a dream for many, but the secret might just lie in the quality of your sleep. Surprisingly, the key to unlocking this beauty mystery isn't found in expensive creams or treatments but in something as simple as your pillowcase!

The science behind the silk
At the heart of Dore & Rose's pillowcase is the finest 23-momme Mulberry silk, renowned for its smoothness, durability, and hypoallergenic properties. Combined with cutting-edge silver ion technology, this pillowcase doesn't just promise luxury; it delivers a potent blend of beauty benefits backed by science.

1. Prevents acne and skin irritation
The Dore & Rose Skin Recovering Pillowcase is a dependable shield against acne and skin irritation, providing a serene sanctuary for your skin during sleep. Developed by dermatologists, it’s crafted from ultra-soft, hypoallergenic mulberry silk, which aids in overnight skin recovery and shields against irritation and acne-causing bacteria.

2. Prevents fine lines and wrinkles
Unlike cotton and manmade fibres that can draw moisture from your skin while you sleep, the Dore & Rose pillowcase does the opposite. Mulberry silk replenishes the moisture on to keep your skin fresh and vibrant and improves the skin’s hydration, which can decrease wrinkles and make you look more youthful!
By alleviating pressure on your skin as you sleep, it supports your skin's natural repair processes, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Enjoy a refreshed and youthful complexion every morning!

3. Protects your hair from breakage and loss
Friction while sleeping can lead to hair loss. Because silk is smoother than many other fabrics, it helps to maintain the health of your hair follicles. Since it won't absorb your hair's natural oils, sleeping on silk helps to keep hair hydrated and reduces friction on your hair which in turn reduces breakages and split ends.
This is why your hair does not get frizzy when you use the Dore & Rose Skin Recovering™ Pillowcase. Say hello to stronger, more resilient hair that's ready to tackle the day ahead!
Bewezen voordelen,
bewezen resultaten
Noticed reduced skin irritation
*Based on a four-week independent customer panel
Stated better, uninterrupted sleep
*Based on a four-week independent customer panel
Saw fewer fine lines around the eyes
*Based on a four-week independent customer panel
Bewezen voordelen,
bewezen resultaten
Ready to change your life?
Skin recovering™ Results

Het kussensloop, de slaap masker en de scrunchies zijn geweldig. Mijn huid is aanzienlijk verbeterd. Zo veel beter dan katoen."

Als ik dit eerder had geweten, had ik het veel eerder gekocht. Ik slaap heel goed en het voelt ook erg goed voor mijn huid en haar. Dikke aanrader!

Ik heb altijd problemen gehad met mijn huid. Ik slaap nu niet alleen beter maar mijn skin is ook glowy. Echt verrast hoe mijn huid hierdoor is verbeterd. Bedankt!

Het zijden kussensloop heeft echt geholpen tegen acne. Het had vrijwel meteen een effect. Heel blij mee en slaap nooit meer op katoen..